Adding MyLinks Programattically in C#
Had a recent issue after migrating our users from one domain to another. Their MyLinks did not come over after running stsadm migrateuser. Found the links in the database and wrote a quick winforms app to move them over. Permissions need to be allowed in Central Admin, Shared Services, personalization services as well as site col admin on SSP. Here's how to populate them: Extract the MyLinks information from the database Create a Winforms App Add a web reference to the webservice Concatenate the extracted data into a comma separated list in excel Run the app 1. In SQL, join the UserLinks table in the SSP database with the UserProfile_Full table to get a list of links: SELECT UP.NTName, UP.PreferredName, UP.Email, UL.Id, UL.RecordId, UL.Title, UL.GroupType, UL.GroupTitle, UL.Url, UL.ContentClass, UL.PolicyId, UL.ItemSecurity FROM UserLinks AS UL INNER JOIN UserProfile_Full AS UP ON UL.RecordId = UP.RecordID domainjsmith Home http://site/Pages/Default.aspx General 1 domainjsmith Yahoo [...]